About Safe House
A personalized program that enables to evolve on a self-aware and high level of emotional intelligence.
Our research and results have shown that keeping a clear separation between personal and business identity based on authenticity is key to achieving lasting success. And enables people to well-function with clarity, confidence, and integrity.
We work with individuals across various industries, including Business, Sports, Entertainment, and Social Movements, to uplevel their self-awareness, competence, self created identities, motivation, and social skills. Successfully improving relationships, better communication, and greater success in personal and professional life.
At Safe House, we understand that true success is not only about achieving goals and striving for excellence, but the evolutionary imperative also relies upon being a kind, loving, honest, and self-aware human being. It is through this evolution of the self that we can create peace of mind, balance, and connection in all aspects of our lives.

"Brilliant in-house knowledge for my career and personal life"
"Safe House provides great insights and knowledge about life, leadership, and how to deal well with people. Besides that, Henri helped me excel with clarity and direction. I highly recommend Safe House because of their brilliant in-house knowledge for personal and career growth.”
~ Christian Schroeder
Investor and Founder 10x ValuePartners

"Becoming self-aware is a game changer in leadership."
"Safe House added crucial value to our portfolio companies, the founders, and teams. Not only did we find out about growth issues early on, but the feedback we got from the entrepreneurs was that it had a profound impact on their businesses and personal life. If you are investing in startups, we highly recommend Safe House take care of your human capital.”
Director MXCEL, METRO start up program
~ Sylvia Dudek

"Strategising life without massive dependencies is self-evident, yet has to be a conscious choice that requires effort."
"Henri helped me clearly see a few things that were holding me back. Ultimately, the main idea that I embraced after our sessions was that I should strategize my life without massive dependencies on other people and partners. This is self-evident, yet it has to be a conscious choice that requires effort.”
Entrepreneur and Board-member Readdle
~ Denys Zhadanhov


Investors Portfolio

The Safe House Experience
A unique 3-day 1-on-1 experience at one of the Safe Houses for people that seek to solve or evolve in the personal and professional areas of their life.
Invest in the human capital of your portfolio by offering your entrepreneurs and their leading team profound guidance, enabling them to well-function with clarity, confidence, and integrity.